Sunday, November 7, 2010


I hope everyone has solid concentrations by now and off to a good start! I'm nervous that we have to have two pieces done by this month...eek! My concentration is about human emotions and how people express them. I'm focusing on anger and frustration because those are the emotions that hit close to home for me lately. On Friday I got to have a mini photo shoot with some of the girls in the art class! Here's one of Eva and Allie that I think is pretty great. I'm a little torn on what sort of materials I should use and how to incorporate these images though!


  1. Haha, we're both going to be working with facial expressions. I'm excited for that though. I think that that's a good choice for you. I would suggest working in charcoal. It doesn't take as much time as say...oil painting lol :) But you could include your self-portrait in your concentration and it would totally work. Good luck on the brain storming and ask me for suggestions when ever you want. It's gonna be great!

  2. hahaha that picture is great! i'm sorry i'm such a failure at being angry/fighting with allie :)

  3. Thanks Ashley, haha you KNOW how much I love working with charcoal! I'll definitely be using it a lot i think :)
    Eva it's all good, unfortunately, many of the pics turned out blurry ugh :/ but there were some good ones. i appreciate your help!!

  4. This is a great picture! It seems challenging to capture in a piece, but I'm sure you will make it work!

  5. That is a cool picture, but it looks a little staged. I think it would be worthwhile to explore different kinds of frustrations (everyone deals with stress differently). You could touch on a lot of different subject matter that way, but still have a collaborative concentration

  6. You could probably do something where you just put two people into a scenario and just have them interact with it, and then you can take pictures of that. I think that way it won't seem so staged, as long as they don't look at the camera.
