Monday, September 27, 2010

French Homework = New Artist Discovery?

Who would've guessed that doing my french homework to lead to finding a new artist! I came across an article about a French-American 3D artist named Arman. Ever since he was little, he was interested in what one may think as "useless" objects such as broken violins and garbage cans. So what did he do with those objects? Create art! I would definitely recommend looking him up, his artwork is so cool! Here are some examples for you to get the idea!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blogging Debut

I'm really glad we get to blog in art this year, because I've actually been wanting to make a blog for months but never got around to making thanks Ms. McB for making this a requirement! :P
I wanted to put up pictures of my artwork from this summer, but realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of them...oops! So I'll get around to that some other time.
In the mean time, here's a cool picture I took with my new Nikon D5000 I got over the summer. It's the view from the Portland City Grill, with the reflection of my dad in the window :)