Thursday, November 25, 2010

Anybody else bored over break?

So here I am...12:30 AM the night before Thanksgiving chillin' by myself. I'm not going to lie - break's been pretty boring so far; I'm stuck in Midland, Texas (Good ol' George W. Bush's hometown!) with relatives who are all too old to even know what blogging is. So what have I been doing? Watching movies back to back and listening to great music! I just wanted to tell you all about my favorite movie which also has the best soundtrack ever. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly suggest you watch Garden State this break! This is one movie I can watch over and over again and never get tired of :)

Also, happy early Thanksgiving! Can't wait to hear about everyone's breaks!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The Lakeridge drama department just wrapped up their last show of the Fiddler on the Roof musical last night. For those of you who didn't get a chance to come see it, you missed one heck of an emotional and outstanding show...if I say so myself :) I can honestly say that being a part of this production has taught me more about myself and influenced me more than anything else I have done at Lakeridge so far. It's an experience I will never forget! Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you all because it has been a part of my for the past 3 months and it meant a lot. A thank you to all who came to see it and a big shout out to those who were a part of the show! Everyone rocked!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I hope everyone has solid concentrations by now and off to a good start! I'm nervous that we have to have two pieces done by this month...eek! My concentration is about human emotions and how people express them. I'm focusing on anger and frustration because those are the emotions that hit close to home for me lately. On Friday I got to have a mini photo shoot with some of the girls in the art class! Here's one of Eva and Allie that I think is pretty great. I'm a little torn on what sort of materials I should use and how to incorporate these images though!